Here is one more reason for women stop smoking. According to Dr. Anthony Youn, one of the bestplastic surgeons from the United States, if you are a smoker and undergo a breast lift, the nipple will sag faster.
The conclusion is obtained becauseevery day faces patient who wants to undergo surgical repair of their breast (breast lift). The study was done to see why the female breast nipples loosens faster in smokers.
According to him, exposure to nicotine and carbon monoxide during smoking can impair blood flow to various parts of the body. Thus, interfering with the healing process after surgery. Toxins in cigarette smoke effectively kills body cells, by stopping blood flow to the cells.
“I find it scary every time I see patients who have breast lift and she’s a smoker,” said Dr. Youn, according to the Daily Mail.
He revealed that he once worked with a women who had purple nipples, after smoking. That’s because, smoking causes small blood vessels in the breast fails to function.
He also must make use of leeches for a few days to suck the ‘old’ blood that makes the nipples purple. This is done to restore the original color of the nipple. No wonder that he warned all women who undergo plastic surgery, the results can be very bad because of smoking.
‘If you do a breast lift or breast reduction and smoke, the nipple will darken and loose. If you undergo liposuction surgery and smoking, it will create a large wound required more than three months to heal, “said Dr. Youn.
Research shows that smokers have more problems in terms of duration of wound healing. This is compared to someone who does not smoke.
really?n ;))